Mental Health Facilities
Healthcare professionals sometimes are negligent
People coping with severe depression or significant emotional disorders often rely on the professionals at mental health facilities to help them recover. During this time of recovery, suicidal prevention is a must or patients will die or be seriously injured. While psychiatrists, clinicians and other mental health practitioners often provide quality care, sometimes they make serious mistakes and are negligent. Most licensed mental health professionals are poorly trained - if trained at all - in the detection, assessment, management and treatment of suicidal persons.
Consider just one of thousands of stories, from Sherry Bryant, LCSW, CADC, LMFT:
Sadly, since her son's death, nothing has significantly changed in the mental health fields to improve the training that mental health professionals receive.
At the Law Offices of Skip Simpson, we believe strongly that mental health facilities - from the administrators down to the orderlies - need to be held accountable. If you lost a loved one or someone you know was seriously injured due to their negligence, contact a personal injury lawyer who puts families first. A lawsuit may be the only way to hold them accountable and prevent future tragedies.
How an attorney can help
If you have questions about the mental health care someone has received, Skip Simpson can help. With years of experience in psychiatric and psychological malpractice litigation, we passionately believe that reducing the suicide rate requires holding mental health professionals accountable.
Break the cycle. Help prevent future suicides. Contact a compassionate attorney who cares about people and demands justice. Contact the Law Offices of Skip Simpson.
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